Kingston Springs church of Christ
Newspaper Articles

Newspaper Articles

Finding God

The Living Springs

Finding God...

History tells us many things. Perhaps history's most poignant story is humankind's relentless search for meaning; our craving to know who we are and why we exist. In all of recorded time, mere humans have never found the answer - no philosopher, no poet, no intellectual, no one. Our great thinkers can ask the probing questions, but they do not have the insight to give a fulfilling and lasting answer.

Our Creator put this drive for truth into us:  He has made everything beautiful in its time. Also, He has put eternity into man's heart... [Ecclesiastes 3:11a, ESV] When our Father God made us, he equipped us with a desire to return home to Him forever. And so we yearn deeply to know our true purpose and meaning. In our hearts, we seek the truth...

Our Creator is a good and very loving God. Such a God would naturally want to communicate with His creation, and so He has! All the answers we seek are in the Bible! [2 Timothy 3:14-17]

Before Jesus went to the cross to die for you and for me, He prayed passionately to His Father for His disciples, and Jesus said, "Sanctify them by Your truth. Your word is truth." John 17:17

And so it is. Open your Bible, read the Truth, and find God.

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